The Next Chapter

I had the fortune of creating & building Kings Park Studios in late 2017 with the purpose of shooting content in-house for several retail brands. I documented a lot of the building and projects on the studio's youtube page, which will be a permanent record of the awesome stuff we did. Ultimately, I was offered an opportunity I couldn’t refuse at Studio 454, which is where I’m currently employed. I have some great plans ahead for 454, and I’ll share them when the time comes. In the meantime, enjoy my farewell video—the only way I could sign off.

Before leaving KPS, I was in the middle of a few big projects. We had the chance to shoot a couple of videos with Logan Ryan and John Ross of the New York Giants. Here was the short promo I pitched as “Going Green with John Ross”. Ross, being one of the fastest runners in the NFL, has his running ability harnessed and converted into electrical energy. It was part of a promotional campaign for a popular foot massager.